History 5
Yerzhan Magazyuly Karazhanov
Father of a large family, raising six children.
MFO Bereke client since March 2008.
At the time of the first visit, Yerzhan Magazyuly had a couple of mares. When he took the last loan, the borrower had 17 mares and 15 heads of cattle. The last microloan was used to increase the livestock.
He sells kumis in Semey and also has regular customers - kumis lovers from other cities: Astana, Almaty, Pavlodar.
In 2020, he bought an apartment in Semey. “The children are growing up, we need to give them education, so I decided to buy an apartment in Semey so we wouldn’t have to rent”, says Yerzhan Magazyuly
In 2022, the borrower bought a Toyota Estima minivan (due to having a large family).
Primary activity
Sale of kumis, passenger transportation, sale of horse meat.